gemeinnütziger Verein e.V.
Wallstraße 2
73614 Schorndorf
Telefon: +49 7181 9911847
Spendenkonto Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE55 6025 0010 0005 2375 55
Education as we mean it looks at students in their entirety. It´s not only good marks, that mold a graduate, but also his or her likings as well as social competences.
Thus, we reward and motivate students to achieve excellent performance at school. At the same time and in the same range we´re awarding those, who are an active part in extracurricular activities and are committed to social or community work at their class, school or even beyond.
Awards are given at the following schools:
We congratulate all excellent young people and wish them all the best for their ways and works to come!
Johann-Philipp-Palm-Schule, Schorndorf
Andert-Oberschule, Ebersbach-Neugersdorf
Please note: According to German law we are
Only exception to this rule is the international Johann-Philipp-Palm-Award for Freedom of Speech and the Press.
There is no entitlement to the right of support by the Palm-Foundation. The Board´s decision about the support of a project or organisation is final.