
gemeinnütziger Verein e.V.

Wallstraße 2
73614 Schorndorf

Telefon: +49 7181 9911847

Spendenkonto Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE55 6025 0010 0005 2375 55

School Projects

Learning together successfully

We´re developing all of our tailor-made school projcts in cooperation with teachers, students and parents and implement them ourselves as well as together with external qualified pedagogical trainers. We´re proud on the trustfull collaboration amongst our partners. Together we make effective and sustainable education come true!


Please note: According to German law we are

  • not working internationally - just in Germany
  • not supporting individuals - just organisations or institutions

Only exception to this rule is the international  Johann-Philipp-Palm-Award for Freedom of Speech and the Press.

There is no entitlement to the right of support by the Palm-Foundation. The Boards´ decision about the support of a project or organisation is final.