
gemeinnütziger Verein e.V.

Wallstraße 2
73614 Schorndorf

Telefon: +49 7181 9911847

Spendenkonto Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE55 6025 0010 0005 2375 55

100. Anniversary of Philipp Palm (October 9 1918 - May 8 2004)

Commemorating our Founder on October 9 2018 at the New Cemetery in Schorndorf

Great-Grandfather, Grandfather, Father, Pharmacist, Entrepreneur, Founder, Honorary Citizen of Schorndorf.

He was of great impact for many people and achieved a lot. We´re commemorating a great man and continue his ways and works as worthy representatives.

Dr. Palm´s Pharmacy  |  Palm-Foundation  |  Palm Ltd.  |  Palm Family