gemeinnütziger Verein e.V.
Wallstraße 2
73614 Schorndorf
Telefon: +49 7181 9911847
Spendenkonto Kreissparkasse Waiblingen
IBAN: DE55 6025 0010 0005 2375 55
Our international award is endowed with 20,000 € and can be distributed to as many as three laureates (institutions or persons). The festive award ceremony is celebrated as a public event and takes place every even year on the first Sunday in December.
By awarding this prize, we want to advocate the fundamental rights of freedom of speech and the press as inalienable precnditions of democracy. Both rights occupy an important place in a free democratic constitutional structure and both have to be reclaimed again and again.
Those people who inform the public responsibly in order to reveal conflicts and those who express their opinions in order for change to happen are the ones who form the basis of a free society.
The award bears the name of a family member of the Palm-Foundation´s founding family. Johann Philipp Palm (1766 - 1806) was a bookseller from Schorndorf based in Nuremberg. Schorndorf, where our Foundation still maintains its main office, is a town of about 40.000 inhabitants in Southern Germany. It looks back on a rich history of winegrowing, trading and industry. Over the centuries, it has moulded a self-confident civil society based on Christian ideals and principles.
In 1806, when large parts of Germany were occupied by the French under Napoleon Bonaparte, Palm printed and published the anonymousely written pamphlet harshly criticising the Emperor´s imperial politics in the disguise of liberty as well as the collaboration of the German rulers with the military dictatorship for their own acquisition. Palm was captured and deported to Braunau/ Austria. He was found guilty by a French military court in a mock trial. Within only three hours of the proceedings, he was was executed.
Learn more about our historic namesake Johann Philipp Palm (1766-1806)
Das Kuratorium zur Auswahl der nächsten Preisträger:innen wird am 4. Mai 2024 tagen und seine Entscheidung in der "Woche der Meinungsfreiheit" zwischen 3. und 10. Mai 2024 bekannt gegeben.
Herzliche Einladung schon jetzt zum öffentlichen Festakt zur Vergabe des 12. Johann-Philipp-Palm-Preises für Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit am Sonntag, den 1. Dezember 2024 in der Barbara-Künkelin-Halle in Schorndorf.
Wir danken unserem Schirmherrn, unseren Kooperations- und Netzwerkpartnern und den Mitgliedern unseres Kuratoriums zur Auswahl der Preisträger:innen für ihre sorgfältige Arbeit.