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Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh, Journalist and Women´s Rights Activist from Iran (currently USA), Award Winner 2010

Influencer out of American Exile

Receiving the Palm-Award in 2010 opened a window to freedom for Mahboubeh Abbasgholizade: She took the award money as seed capital and instantly traveled to America without turning back to Iran. There she gained a research fellowship and a residence permit - and started her new life.

Today she uses her knowledge and reputation as one of the leading women´s rights activists in the Arabic world to influence the debates from her American exile. Her internet based multi channel platform "Zanan TV" promotes issues like women´s rights, media and democracy.


 Zanan TV on Facebook and on the Internet 

 Interview with Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh on "No woman can be worse than Ahmadinejad"

 Publication about cyberspace and women´s rights in Iran in The University of Chicago Press Journals