Flood disaster 2024 in the Rems and Wieslauf valleys

Vorstandsmitglied Annette Krönert mit Spendenscheck auf dem Wertstoffhof: "Hier liegen stumme Trümmer von Lebensentwürfen, die einen betroffen machen.

Board member Annette Krönert with a donation check at the recycling center: "Here lie silent ruins of life plans that affect one."

A sign of solidarity for affected individuals and associations

The Palm Foundation is donating €20,000 to those affected by the flood disaster.

Rapid help for private individuals and associations.

SCHORNDORF. The water is gone. All that remains is mud and rubbish, destroyed houses, businesses, public spaces and livelihoods - and for many of those affected, a feeling of helplessness. The Palm Foundation wants to change that. Although the full extent of the damage is still difficult to predict at this point, the Palm Foundation transferred €20,000 in emergency aid to the account set up by the city of Schorndorf for the victims of the flood disaster last Thursday. "We ourselves are hardly affected and can only be grateful. We want to show solidarity and support those who urgently need it," all members of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Board of the Palm Foundation agree.

Half of the donation goes to needy individuals and half to non-profit organizations. By specifying a corresponding keyword, donors can ensure that their money goes where they think it will be most effective. Donations with the keyword "Support for clubs, sports and culture" enable the reconstruction of the infrastructure for local clubs, institutions and facilities so that they can resume their services for the city's population as soon as possible. Donations with the keyword "individual assistance" are distributed to particularly affected people via the city's social fund and by means of a means test. Allocation to one of the affected districts is also possible.

With the significant amount for the reconstruction of the affected districts, the Palm Foundation wants to encourage other people and organizations to do the same. "There have been and are so many fantastic offers of help in the last few days, whether from professional emergency services, spontaneous neighborhood groups or energetic company teams. We hope that, alongside all the horror, the stories of helpfulness and solidarity will be remembered when we one day remember June 2024," says Annette Krönert, member of the board of the Palm Foundation, "so please follow suit and help Schorndorf and its residents get back on their feet quickly."

Donation account of the city of Schorndorf at the Kreissparkasse Waiblingen

Bank code: 602 500 10
Account number: 5 000 036
IBAN: DE10 6025 0010 0005 0000 36

All information about the donation account of the city of Schorndorf can be found at https://www.schorndorf.de/de/stadt-buerger/aktuelles/flutkatastrophe/hilfe-spenden